Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Computer games - practice for multitasking?

I started gaming in my uni life - that was about 5 years ago. Since then, I've only been able to master warcraft and tried a few FPS games like CS, QuakeIII and UT. So, before you guys presume that I'm a hardcore gamer, I'm gonna come clean and admit that I'm not. Since I started working, I haven't really had much time for gaming anymore. But recently, I've started picking up on games again. My latest and only addiction is Dota (I've always preferred strategy to FPS).

Anyway, I've always thought that games, although addictive, also enhances our thinking skills and multitasking skills. Take for example, playing a hero in Dota. You gotta micromanage your 4 skills, and think about what to buy next so that can let you get the upper hand against your enemies. When in combat, you gotta be aware of your life and mana all the time, and remember to heal to avoid from dying. Dying, ouch, that hurts. So you'll find yourself busy all the time either trying to get those damn enemies or trying to stay alive.

Anyway, enough of this rambling, I'm just so damn bored now.

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